Monday 28 February 2011

 Bright and bubbly today...
 Chunky wedge boots, courtesy of Mama
 Vintage Silver Collar Tips- "BarbedWireAndSilk"
 Warehouse Dress for the Mr's Birthday "Do"
The selling point- the gorgeous scoop cross over back and 30's style tassel necklace worn on reverse.

So today was a gorgeous sunny day so I went for these fabulous bright colours (shown in first snap). I thought the green scalloped vest (topshop) looked stunning clashing with the magenta cardi (house of fraser), so popped on a pretty jangley necklace, a button through denim tulip skirt (topshop again) and big chunky wedge boots (courtesy of my mom). Chunky by not so comfortable. But sod comfort, they looked good.
Below are my new vinatge silver collar tips that have just come into my life. As I am a regular wearer of shirts and all things with collars, I thought this would add a cute little edge to an outfit. Im looking forward to wearing them tomorrow. 
Underneath this, is a dress which iv bought to wear to the Mr's birthday next week. It caught my eye immediately as the colour is a really flattering shade on my skin tone, and the abstract leopard print is right up my street. But the icing on the cake was the low scoop cross-over back. I thought this would look amazing with a 30's style gold tassel necklace worn down the back, which I sourced from accesorize. Il probably wear it with some big-ass black patent platforms and thick tights.
Hope all my readers are well. Would love to hear anything from any of you, so feel free to leave a comment below, or on any of the previous posts that you have liked.
Hetti J

Sunday 20 February 2011


So iv spent this lovely gorgeous sunny weekend not at LFW (london fashion week) as i'd hoped, but sat at home. I did make a little day trip to exeter on saturday to do a little shopping, the fruits of which il no doubt be show casing on this here blog over the next few days. I have also been reading as many blogs and watching as many videos of LFW as possible over the last 72hours. My love for Holly Fulton grows ever more, and i thought Louise Gray's ballon hat accessories were a fantastic addition to her s/s11 collection. Put a big smile on my face.
On my day trip to "the big city" i.e exeter, I wore a little denim tulip skirt (topshop) and a khaki green batwing knit jumper (asos) and my chunky wedge boots. I also took along my grey ruffle hem trench coat (George) just incase it rained, which incredibly, it didnt!! First time for everything. This look, topped of with my trusty satchel, Raybans for the beautiful sunshine, and ice cream coloured nails...
This evening I thought I would try out the braid halo a'la Jessica Alba at the Baftas. I uploaded a few snaps to see your guys opinion. Obviously it could be a little neater, but I thought this was a pretty good attempt for someone doing it on their own without a stylists help! Any reviews? I also tried to do the Betty Paige rolled fringe as seen at Diors s/s11 collection, but sadly this isnt possible as I already have a fringe, and all the tutorials iv found on youtube are done by people that dont have "bangs" and just roll the front sections of their hair into a sausage shape. This doesnt work with my hair as by the time youv done one roll, youv reached the top of your head. Maybe I should just try tonging it with a barrel iron? Does anyone have any recomendations or ideas?? Would love to hear from you.


Friday 18 February 2011

Apologies for lack of posts...

I apologise for the lack of posts this week. Iv been struck down with a hurrendous chest infection which has now calmed down into snotty cold. Delightful. I therefore havent uploaded any photos as iv been bumming around in jim jams and duvets (which noone wants to see), reading blogs on new york and now london fashion weeks, wishing I was there.

Hope everyone else is ok, and not suffering from this troublesom cold.

New posts soon. Promise


Sunday 13 February 2011

Evening to the curry house curtesy of the Mr. Anyone who knows me will know of my love of curry. I would have it every day of the week if I could. Sadly this isnt possible so, as a nice treat (and early valentines gift), the Mr to me out for a bite to eat, which I enjoyed enormously. I planned my outfit in advance so I would have the least clingy but roomy and flattering dress I could find. This little wrap around number did the job nicely. (zara)

Thursday 10 February 2011

Double Denim Day

After sifting through Vogue and Elle this month, its clear to see that denim is going to be a BIG trend season. Which is lucky for me a I have a large array of denim things in my wardrobe from years past. Shirts and structure also being another key trend, I decided to use my trustie denim shirt (H&M) as the base layer of this outfit, buttoned up to the top of course. Im still trying to locate a set of western style collar clips to give this shirt an individual twist, but so fair, iv had no joy. It could be an ebay jobbie. Over the top of this, iv worn my old stonewashed denim dress (Topshop) which sadly is a little on the tight side. Il just have to breathe in all day! Il be wearing this out with my Benneton trench coat which is a classic, a pair of thick navy knit tights, some sparkly blue lurex ankle socks and big chunky wedge boots. And because its nippy again, a huge knitted scarf that I made myself, and my favourite leather gloves. And voila! Ready to hit the streets.
Hope everyones well! Fingers crossed for the sun to come back again sharpish!!

Saturday 5 February 2011

Charity shop chic

 Bright and colourful to perk up and grey and drab day.
 Aquascutum dress from a charity shop! £20!!!  Gorgeous pink tweed.

 Vivienne Westwood pencil skirt also from charity shop. £18!
A fab phonograph I picked up in Totnes for £30...

I spent a day in Totnes with my Ma and sister today, and this fantastic phonograph caught my eye in the window of a charity shop I never normally go in. After enquiring I found that it is also a radio and cassette player, and only £30! It had to be mine as I am a hoarder of "pointless crap" as my Mr puts it.
 I also found a pink tweed knee length Aquascutum dress and a Vivienne Westward pencil skirt, both for under £20! I shall definately be returning to this charity shop.
Because I woke up and it was such a grey and horrible day, I thought I would try and brighten it up by wearing bold colours and jangley jewellery. The top was bargin from the Hobbs sale and I wore it with a pair of skinny biker jeans from Peacocks and my black lace up wedges. The fab necklace is a piece from Accesorize and the bracelets were a gift from a friend. I was told I sounded like Father Christmas, jingle jangeling around, as both bracelet and necklace have little bells on. Bit late really... Made me smile though.
Hope everyones well, and the weathers not bringing anyone down.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Feeling Glam.... pause Not.

Half day at uni today. The weather was pants so I thought id cheer myself up my popping on some cheeky false eyelashes. I am by no means a pro at applying these but i was happy with them until I went to get my eyebrows done. Iv recently found a place close by that does threading, and after lots of recomendations, i thought id try it out.... NEVER again. It was so painful, my eyes watered so bad that my falsies ended up somewhere around my chin. Looked more like a moustache. Clearly im not a glam gal. I went for a cute purple outfit today, with a little velvet indigo mini skirt, a sleeveless shirt, topped with my cobweb lilac jumper (all from Topshop). The velvet skirt is a bit of a nightmare as it rides upwards with every step. I end up janking it down everytime its half way up my bum. It looks cute though so that all that matters. The cobweb jumper is also a tad tricky. I must have caught the holes on about 8 different door handles, ending up in huge rips. Luckily it kind of adds to the affect.
Hope everyones having a good week. Itd be great to have some feedback from you guys. Let me know if you want to see more of anything (accessories, outfits, jewlerry etc...)
Lots of love

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Pinch Punch First Of The Month....

Happy first of Feburary everyone! Not only has it been a whole month since new years (how quick has that flown by!!!), but its exactly 2months until my birthday! Exciting times! On days where I really cant be bothered to make an effort, I pull out a loose cotton dress (Miss Selfridge) and some leggings (Marks and Sparcs). I'v always had an aversion to leggings, however recently iv started using them for layering purposes, or just generally laying around. During the day time at uni, I would wear this with a nice vintage cardigan or like today, a grey jersey blazer (H&M). When I got home, I threw on my baggy jumper to keep warm in these chilly times (also h&m). I thought id toughen up the pretty dress with a nice pair of lace ups, which we'r a birthday gift from my dad last year, and have been a solid staple throughout this winter where heels in the snow werent a great idea. Theyr from Schuh and are insanely comfortable. The last snap is just a quickie to show what im looking at right now. Iv spent the day trying to produce a final garment design for my brief, and staring at a mannequin helps me focus and work out proportions. Although the fairy lights and edwardian lace collar are a tad distracting, they look pretty.
Hope everyones had a great day.
Hetti J