Sunday 30 January 2011

 My old winter coat thats had a new lease of life. Hem taken up from below the knee.
 A £1 bargin from Totnes market. A gorgeous addition to my collection.
 A trip to Dartington Gardens. My attempt at an artistic shot.
 Dartington House

Corrrrr its another very nippy day. Spent the day with my mum down in dartington where we walked around the gardens enjoying the fantastic sunshine. Had to wrap up warm however, so I pulled out "ole' faithful" my black Zara Mohair jacket. Iv recently given this a bit of TLC and taken it up a good foot at the hem. I also plan to change all the buttons to give it a completely different finish. I wore this with my leather gloves and new wedge lace up boots from Tesco (£12!!). Underneath I wore a ditsy vintage Laura Ashley dress and a grey wrap around cardigan (layers layers layers), finished off with a fair of thick grey tights so that I wasnt in solid black. And of course, as soon as theres sunshine, like any true brit, the sunglasses come out. I have a rather large collection of glasses; new, vintage, designer, car boot, charity shop and high street. However my absolute favourites have got to be my Rayban Avaitors. They go with next to everything and the shift my confidence into a high gear. May the sun stay out and the temperature warm the heck up!!!!!! Bring on the summer!!!

Saturday 29 January 2011

The Colds Back Again.....


Brrrrr the freezing weathers back again. Even with several layers and a fur coat, the bitter wind goes straight through to the bone. Bad times. Not much has been achieved over the last few days apart from staying in bed with a book and electric blanket. I also recently bought a curling wand which is why in the first photo i look like iv had my hand in a plug socket. It is a skill i need to practice perhaps.
Tonight will be a night on the town for a good friends birthday doo. Iv yet to decide what to wear yet. Il probably change my mind a good 5/6 times before leaving the house. Il get a snap before i do go though...
Hope alls well. 

Thursday 27 January 2011

A day of baking and creating

 My secret recipe cheeky triple choc chunk brownies. Nom Nom...

 Vintage 1930's apron. The little umbrella pocket is ideal for keeping spoons and other goodies in. Plus it is adorable.
My attempt at doing a hair halo... I ended up looking like heidi. Think my hairs to short. Shame.

I spent my day off being very creative. After a dash to Tesco I came back and set up camp in the kitchen, where I made up a few batches of my secret recipe triple choc brownies. Incredibly gooey, and incredibly moreish. Brownie points for me when I take them over to the Mr. (pun intended). After brownie making i spent the rest of the time doing sketch book and portfolio work for my course. Clothes wise, I know we'v seen this outfit before, but to be honest its comfy and billowy, which is perfect for when I want to dance and spin around the room. I mainly took the snap to show you guys my gorgeous 1930's frilly apron. Its adorable but maybe needs a little TLC to bring it back to its original state. My next project perhaps...
Hope everyones well.
Time to dig into those brownies...

Friday 21 January 2011

Wow the lightings shocking.

This is what I threw together today. My gorgeous new mustard yellow pencil skirt from asos and my favourite basic grey batwing jumper from H&M. With something so clingy on the bottom, I thought id go for something a tad more forgiving on the top half. Theres nowt worse than skintight all the way down- well on me anyway! i have a normal persons body. Maybe a size 6 with no curves could get away with it.
The new fringe got pushed to the side today as its not sitting well, and when im trying to paint, it just gets in my eyes. Bad times. The standard top knot is back in full force at the moment.
Hope everyone is well. Id love to hear any feedback from you guys! Hopefully il get some more professional shots up soon. Just need to persuade a photographer pal of mine to give up his time and help me out. Watch this space...
Hetti J

My new fringe

So over the last few days iv had a fringe cut back in (again...)
I have a bit of a love affair with "the fringe". Il get one cut in, the get sick of it and grow it out. Then go to the hair dressers and get it cut back in again. Then grow it out again. Its a viscious cycle. I always have issues with how it sits, especially if the weather is being rubbish- the slightest breeze or drop of rain and its looking mental. However, my forehead got lonely so I popped it back in again.
Iv also had the ends bleached like Miss Alexa Chung, but sadly its not overly visible. I think il have to go back and get them lightened up again.
Il try and get a few more photos of the daily clothes. I really am rubbish at keeping on top of things!

Much love

Hetti J

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Happy New Year

YAAAAAAAAAAWN, Sleepy me. So its been a while since I last posted as iv had a very busy festive season, not sleeping or relaxing. These photos were taken at the end of today, so forgive the grey complexion and black bags. Never mind. Maybe I should pixellate my face....
This season im going for something completely different than the last. Im thinking biker chic, maxis, preppy and colour blocking.
Yesterday was preppy, with starched white blouse fully buttoned, grey baggy jumper, skinny indigo jeans and fred perry converse. Sadly no picture as I wasnt able to get hold of my camera.
Today was maxi biker. The maxi dress is something iv never been brave enough to try before. Iv always been worried that it would be very unflattering on my figure, but in this one, iv found quite the opposite. Well, until i decide to gorge on a monster bacon roll. This is where the baggy jumper comes in handy. Not only does it keep me super toasty in the blustry streets of Plymouth, it disguises any tell-tale lumps and bulges. I styled this outfit with a necklace I made on my travels in the U.S, a stunning handmade brooch (in the style of a russian doll- which if you know me at all, is my manic obsession), a vintage silk head scarf and rayban glasses, and topped off with my Fenwright Manson quilted biker jackets, biker boots and a heap of kick ass attitude. Its a look I'm-a loving.
What will tomorrow bring??? Who knows..... Id best start planning now.

Much laaaav

Hetti J